The Date of Creation [“Ussher Chronology”] (10-22-4004 BC) + 6023 Years = [7 Years] Starting of the Tribulation/"Ascension Thursday” (10-22-2020) + 3 1/2 Years/3.5 Years/3-6 Years-Months/42 Months
[a “Circle” equals 360° and at 360 Days per Year = 1260 Days, see 4th and 5th Lessons, “The 70th Week of Daniel"] = Start of Passover and the Great Persecution of Satan Begins (4-22-2024) OR 1st Passover (4-22-1313 BC) + 3336 Years [Jesus Christ’s Resurrection was in 33 AD at the Age of 036] = Start of Passover and the Great Persecution of Satan Begins (4-22-2024) "... But woe to you, earth and sea, for the Devil has come down to you in great fury, for he knows he has but a short time." [Revelation 12:12]
The following numbers are of interest [for example, Month-Day/Day-Month 3-2/2-3]: 12/21, 25/52, 5, 36/63, 43/34, 42/24, 33, 32/23, 64/46, 122/221/212, 44, 45/54, 17/71, 22, 56, 7, 57/75, 514, 39/93, 4, 15/51, 48/84, 227/722/272, 3, 412, 414/144, 26/62, 49, 29/92, 118, 77, 6, 58/85, 13/31, 37/73, 27/72, 422/224/242, 8, 18/81, 61/16, 14/41, 111, 83/38, 68, 219/129, 69, 312/123/231, 11, 252/225/522, 28/ 82, 59, 222, 53/35, 714, 914, 215/521/152, 76, 79, 87/78, 922/229 and 99. Now, take each number, for instance "32/23", mark it with a highlighter [you can “Download” this Lesson from the "Home" Page of this Website], and read from the top all the way to the bottom, and you will get some amazing patterns that result! For additional reference, please see the “Calendar Years (2020-1998)” and the "Date of Creation (10-22-4004 BC) and Return of Jesus Christ (10-22-2027 AD)" [again, you can “Download” it from the "Home" Page].
See below, Birth Day of Jesus Christ [Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) +
36 Years = Last Supper of Jesus Christ and Institution of the Eucharist,
Holy Thursday: 4 Days from Easter/3 Days to Easter (4-2-33 AD) AND
See below, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND Birth Day of Jesus Christ
[Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) + 36 Years = {see below} Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ, Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to Easter [Holy Day] (4-3-33 AD) AND
See below, Ussher Chronology: "The Creation", Holy Saturday (10-22-4004 BC) AND
See below, Birth Day of Jesus Christ [Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) + 36 Years =
Jesus Christ Lying in the Tomb: 1 Day to Easter, Holy Saturday (04-04-33 AD) AND
If you take 4004 minus 0404 = 3600 = 360° degrees = a "Circle" AND [For this Lesson, Keep the Calendar Open]
State Highway 33 Runs thru Alpha, OK and Omega, OK Area Code (405) AND
Birth Day of Jesus Christ [Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) + 36 Years =
Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Holy Day] (4-5-33 AD) AND
European Discovery of Easter Island (4-5-1722) AND
Easter Island Country Code-Area Code (56-32) AND
See below, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See below, "Ascension Thursday"/
Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56
Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57] (10-22-2020) AND [For this Lesson, Keep the Almanac Open]
See below, Ussher Chronology: "The Creation", Holy Saturday (10-22) + 5-14 =
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Holy Day] (4-5) AND
See above, Birth Day of Jesus Christ [Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) + 36 Years =
Jesus Christ Enters Heaven: Ascension Thursday, 39 Days after Easter/40 Days from Easter
[Holy Day] (5-14-33 AD) + 1915 Years = State of Israel's Independence Day (5-14-1948) AND
Day-Month/Month-Day 3-6/6-3 AND
Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter {Lent} [Holy Day - "Pi"] (2-27-1963) AND
See above, Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2023] (4-12-2020)
[See below, "Ascension Year"] AND See below, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND
Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to Easter [Holy Day] (4-12-1963) AND
See above, Jesus Christ Returns to Life and My Birth Hour: 4:14 PM Pacific Time:
Easter Sunday [Holy Day] (4-14-1963) AND [See below, "Ascension Year"] UN World
Health Organization (WHO) Announced that the Coronavirus is a World-Wide “Pandemic”
(2020) AND I was Conceived in Norco [North Corona], California (33° North Latitude) AND,_California
Numerical Value of God’s Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26 + [The Father] 7
Days of Creation = {see above} The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (33 AD) [The Son] AND
Day-Month/Month-Day 2-6/6-2 AND
[See above] My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit,
Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND
See above, Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to
Easter {Lent} [Holy Day] (2-12-1964) AND
Christchurch, New Zealand Area Code-Country Code (03-64) AND
HTTP Status Code 302: "Found" AND [See above] My Birth Day
{62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM Pacific Time] (03-02-1964) AND
[See above] I was Born at Riverside Community Hospital, 4445
Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, California (33° North Latitude) AND,_California
See above, Birth Day of Jesus Christ (12-25-5 BC) AND See below,
Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River [Age: 32 and 33] in 0029
AD AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, I was
Born at Riverside Community Hospital, 4445 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside,
California (33° North Latitude) AND I was 44 and 45 Years of Age when I
Discovered the Calendar in 2009 and Lived in Nassau, New Providence, The
Bahamas AND 44th US President, Barack Obama, is Inaugurated (1-20-2009) AND
[See above] First 2 Digits of My Social Security Number (45) AND
Feast of Our Lady [Blessed Virgin Mary] of Divine Providence (4-5-2009)
AND Palm Sunday: 7 Days to Easter {Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2012] (4-5-2009)
AND See above, Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2012] (4-12-2009) AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Age: 36]
(4-5-33 AD) AND 45th US President Trump = a “Trumpet” or “Jew’s Harp” AND
My Father’s Birth Day (11-8-1939) + 77 Years = (11-8-2016) AND Yom HaAliyah Ends
{7 Cheshvan 5777} [Jewish: The ‘Ascent’ into the Promised Land] (11-8-2016) AND 58th
Presidential Election: Donald John Trump Wins the Presidency of the US (11-8-2016) + 10-3
Weeks-Days/2-12 Months-Days = 45th US President Trump is Inaugurated (1-20-2017) AND
See above, Birth Day of Jesus Christ [Christmas Day] (12-25-5 BC) AND See below,
Conception Day of Jesus Christ [Annunciation Day] (3-25-5 BC) AND See above, Jesus
Christ Enters Heaven: 39 Days after Easter/40 Days from Easter on Ascension Thursday
{Holy Day} [Jesus’ Age: 4-20-36 and Jesus’ Conception Age: 1-20-37] (5-14-33 AD) AND
See above, 1st Recorded Case of the Coronavirus in the US [see above, I was Conceived in
Norco {North Corona}, California, and Derived from the Latin “Corona”, meaning “Crown”, a
Borrowing from the Greek “Garland”, and see below, I live in Garland, Texas] (1-20-2020) AND
Hebrew [Jewish] Alphabet = 22 Letters AND Book of Revelation = 22 Chapters
[The Last Book in the Bible and see the Old Testament 39 {Protestant - see above,
My Father’s Birth Year 1939 and He was Baptized at First Baptist Church in Vidor,
Texas} + 7 Additional Books = Old Testament 46 {Roman Catholic - see above, Ash
Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter} and the New Testament 27 {Protestant and Roman
Catholic - see below, the Baptism of Jesus Christ in 27 AD}] AND HTTP Status Code
202: "Accepted" AND Presentation of the Lord: 40 Days from Christmas (02-02-2020)
AND World Day for Consecrated Life (02-02-2020) AND Normal Vision: "20-20" AND
See above, Palm Sunday: 7 Days to Easter
{Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2023] (4-5-2020) AND
{See below, “Ascension Year”} Feast of Saint Vincent Ferrer
[He was Called the "Angel of the Last Judgment"] (4-5-2020) AND
1st Passover [15 Nisan 2448] (4-21/4-22-1313 BC) + 3332 Years [see above, My
Birth Site {33° North Latitude} and see above, My Birth Day {3-2-1964}] = {see above, My
Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after
Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963)} Passover [15 Nisan 5780] (4-8/4-9-2020) AND
See above, Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to
Easter {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-3-33 AD) AND US Civil War Begins: The Battle of
Fort Sumter, South Carolina {4:30 AM Eastern Time} [Jesus' Age: 1864] (4-12-1861)
AND See above, 45th US President Trump DID NOT Concede the 2020 Presidential
Election and, He Claimed, was “Stolen” and Leading Many to Believe that We have
Entered into the “Second US Civil War” AND See above, Easter Sunday {Holy Day}
[My Age: 45/Jesus' Age: 2012] (4-12-2009) AND See above, My Conception Day
(6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See below, "Ascension
Thursday"/Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit}
Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age:
57] (10-22-2020) AND 32nd US President Franklin Roosevelt's Death (4-12-1945) +
75 Years = Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [My Age: 56/Jesus' Age: 2023] (4-12-2020) AND
See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day
(3-2-1964) AND See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday {Holy
Day} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND See above, 45th US President Donald John
Trump's Birth Day [Queens Borough, New York City, New York] (6-14-1946)
AND The Pledge of Allegiance "under God" Added on Flag Day [US Holiday]
(6-14-1954) AND Feast of Saint Elisha [Hebrew: "My God is Salvation"] the
Prophet (6-14-2020) AND See below, Corpus Christi [Body of Christ] Sunday {Holy
Day} [Jesus’ Age: 2012] (6-14-2009) AND Corpus Christi [Body of Christ] Sunday, 63
Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter {Holy Day} [Jesus’ Age: 2023] (6-14-2020) AND
See above, I was Born in Riverside, California (33° North
Latitude) and Riverside, California Incorporated (10-11-1883)
AND US-Apollo 7 Launched into Space on 10-11-1968 and the 3
Astronauts Returned on 10-22-1968 and the Command Module is
Located at Frontiers of Flight Museum, Love Field, Dallas, Texas AND My 3rd
Visit to the Frontiers of Flight Museum, Love Field, Dallas, Texas (10-11-2012)
AND See above, End of Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah {23 Tishrei 5781} [Hebrew
"Rejoicing with the Torah"] Sunset at 6:57 PM Central Time {262° West} + 42 Minutes =
7:39 PM Central Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”] in Garland, Texas (10-11-2020) AND
See above, US-Apollo 7 Launched into Space on 10-11-1968 and the
3 Astronauts Returned on 10-22-1968 and the Command Module is
Located at Frontiers of Flight Museum, Love Field, Dallas, Texas AND
See above, End of Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah {23 Tishrei 5780} [Hebrew
"Rejoicing with the Torah"] Sunset at 6:45 PM Central Time {257° West} + 42 Minutes =
7:27 PM Central Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”] in Garland, Texas (10-22-2019) AND
Emperor Naruhito Inaugurated (10-22-2019) [see below, 126th Japanese Monarch and
His Birth Day {see above/below} 2-23-1960 in Tokyo, Japan {see below, the 2 Summer
Olympics in Tokyo, Japan} and His Marriage Year = 1993 and {see “Calendar Years (2020-
1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website} Calendar Year 1993 = Month-Day 10-22] AND
See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day
(3-2-1964) AND See above, "Ascension Thursday"/Starting of the Tribulation
{7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57
Days from Easter, My Age: 7-20-56 and My Conception Age: 4-20-57] (10-22-2020) AND
18th Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan (1964) + 56 Years {4 x 14}
[My Birth Day (3-2-1964), see above] = 32nd Summer Olympics in
Tokyo, Japan (2020) AND Due to the Coronavirus “Pandemic” Sweeping the
World [see above], the 32nd Summer Olympics was Delayed until 2021 AND
See above, My Conception Day and the Birth Day of the
Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after
Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND See above,
My Birth Day {62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM Pacific Time] (3-2-1964)
AND Jesus Christ was born in the Julian Calendar + 13 Days = Gregorian
Calendar [Years 1900-2100 AD] AND Julian Calendar: {see above} Baptism of
Jesus Christ in the Jordan River [Age: 30] (1-6-27 AD) + 13 Days + 1942 Years =
Gregorian Calendar: [see above] My Baptism Day at Saint Joseph {married to the
Blessed Virgin Mary} Catholic Church, Barstow, California [Sunday] (1-19-1969) AND
70 Weeks of 7 Years = 490 Years {The Holy City and The Temple in Jerusalem}
[Daniel 9:24-27] AND This Period is Divided into 3 Parts, 2 Occurring in the Past AND
07 Weeks of 7 Years = 049 Years [Occurring in the Past] +
62 Weeks of 7 Years = 434 Years [Occurring in the Past] =
69 Weeks of 7 Years = 483 Years [Occurring in the Past] AND
001 Week of 7 Years = 007 Years [70th Week of Daniel] AND See above, "Ascension Thursday"/
Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56 Days after
Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 7-20-56 and My Conception Age: 4-20-57] (10-22-2020) AND
See above, Last Supper of Jesus Christ and the Institution of the Eucharist [Age:
36] (4-2-33 AD) AND See above, 70th Week of Daniel {also see the “4th and 5th
Lessons: ‘Ascension Thursday’ (10-22-2020)”} 3 1/2 Years/42 Months/3-6 Years-
Months x 360 Days per Year = 1260 Days [Daniel 7:25, 12:7 and Revelation 11:2-3, 12:
6, 12:14, 13:5] x 2 = 2520 Days AND 1 Year = 360 Days AND 2 Years = 720 Days AND
3 Years = 1080 Days AND 4 Years = 1440 Days AND 5 Years = 1800 Days AND 6 Years
= 2160 Days AND 7 Years = 2520 Days AND Conway, North Carolina and Kill Devil Hills,
North Carolina Area Code (252) AND My Mother's, Nancy Conway, Death Day: Avalon Place
Nursing Home, 700 North Herndon Street/Farm to Market Road 252, Kirbyville, Texas (12-6-
2008) AND My Father and I Live at 2502 Club Creek Boulevard in Garland, Texas AND Trinity
River runs thru Lake Ray Hubbard in Garland, Texas [See above, Trinity and Trinity Sunday] AND,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 1st US President to be Roman Catholic and He was
Assassinated in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas on 11-22-1963 at the Age of 46 AND See
“Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website and the Month-Day
11-22 = Calendar Year 2024 AND See below, Tribulation or the Great Persecution [Satan On
The Earth] (4-22-2024) AND [See above] I Live in Garland, Dallas County, Texas and My Phone
Number is (xxx) xxx-5009 AND 59th US Presidential Election: Joseph “Joe” Biden [He is the 2nd
US President to be Roman Catholic and from Delaware Area Code (302) – see above, My Birth
Day (03-02-1964)] Wins the Presidency (11-3-2020) + 2-17 Months-Days = 46th US President
Biden is Inaugurated (1-20-2021) AND See below, My Paternal GrandMother’s, Evelyn Stanley-
Tarver, Birth Day (2-17-1922) AND See above, Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter {Lent} [Jesus’
Age: 2024] (2-17-2021) AND See above, Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Good Friday: 3 Days from
Easter/2 Days to Easter {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-3-33 AD) AND Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter
{Lent} [Jesus’ Age: 2025] (03-02-2022) AND See above, Month-Day/Day-Month 02-25/25-02 AND,_Texas
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD)
AND See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964)
AND See above, the 70th Week of Daniel: 7 Years x 360 Days per Year = 2520 Days AND
[See above, the Picture Image at the Start of this Lesson] Starting of the Daily Sacrifice: 220
Days + 2300 Days [Daniel 8:14] = 2520 Days AND Prophetic Years 2520 Days + 36 Days =
2556 Days {6 Years x 365 Days + 1 Year x 366 Days = Normal Years} [see below, Return of
Jesus Christ {Jesus’ Age: 2030} (10-22-2027) {“Pi” - see above}] AND See above, "Ascension
Thursday"/Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit} Sunday:
56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56 and My Conception Age: 57] (10-22-
2020) + 220 Days = see above, Trinity {Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56 Days after
Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 57 and My Conception Age: 57 [Holy Day] (5-30-2021) AND
See above, Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River (1-6-27 AD) AND See above,
Numerical Value of God’s Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26 AND Day-Month/
Month-Day 2-6/6-2 AND See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above,
My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter [Lent] {Holy
Day} [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (2-17-2021) AND See above and below, My Paternal GrandMother’s,
Evelyn Stanley-Tarver, Birth Day (2-17-1922) AND EarthQuake: 20:27:52 Mountain Time/21:27:52
Central Time/[see above, "Pi"] 2:27:52 Universal Time {5-31}, 3.2 Magnitude, 26 kilometers/16 miles
WNW of Stanley, Idaho on Trinity Sunday [see above, Starting of the Daily Sacrifice] (5-30-2021) AND,_Idaho
See above, My Mother's, Nancy Conway, Birth Day (7-14-1941) AND “Therefore
the Lord himself will give you a sign; the young woman, pregnant and about to bear
a son, shall name him Emmanuel." [Isaiah 7:14] AND See above, My Conception
Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after
Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) + 3-12 = [Holy Cross Day] The
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (9-14-1963) + 4104 Hours = {see above} My Birth Day
[4:14 PM Pacific Time] (3-2-1964) minus 36 Weeks or 252 Days = Feast of the Birth of
St. John the Baptist (6-24-1963) AND [The Blessed Virgin Mary Visits the Mother of St.
John the Baptist] Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (7-2-1963) + 2-12 = My
Maternal 1st Cousin’s, David Michael Conway, Sr., Birth Day (9-14-1963) AND My Mother’s
Birth Day (7-14-1941) + 80th Year Anniversary = David Conway’s Death Day (7-14-2021) AND
See above, My Birth Day {62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM Pacific Time]
(3-2-1964) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 4-14/14-4 AND [Revelation 6]
”The Lamb” Opens the Scroll Delivered by God: 1st Seal = A Rider on a White
Horse {see the Coat of Arms of Russia contains “A Rider on a White Horse” and
Depicts Saint George “Slaying the Dragon”, and see below, the Russian Invasion of
Ukraine in 2022} [To Conquer] AND 2nd Seal = A Rider on a Red Horse [To Take Peace
Away from the Earth, To Slaughter] AND 3rd Seal = A Rider on a Black Horse [Famine] AND 4th
Seal = A Rider on a Pale Green Horse {“The Four Housemen" - 25% of the Earth Suffering} [Death]
AND 5th Seal = Martyrs throughout History AND 6th Seal = A Great Earthquake and Nuclear War is
Delivered AND [Revelation 7] "I heard the number of those who had been marked with the seal, one
hundred and forty-four thousand marked from every tribe of the Israelites: ..." (144,000 Sealed) AND
See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ by the Roman Empire, Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to Easter
{Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-3-033 AD) AND See above, Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to
Easter [Lent] {Holy Day} [Jesus’ Age: 306] (3-3-303 AD) AND Month-Day 3-3 = 303 Days
Left to Go in a Year AND The Roman Emperor Diocletian Destroyed Nicomedia's Church on the
Festival of the Terminalia [Named after the God “Terminus” and the Close of the Roman Religious
Year], and the Day in which Christianity was to be Eliminated within the Roman Empire (2-23-303)
AND Emperor Diocletian Issued Edict against the Christians [Great Persecution Begins] (2-24-303)
AND The Capital of Russia [Moscow] assumes to be the “3rd Rome”, and President Putin Starts the
3rd World War, which leads to {see below} the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ (10-22-2027) [see above -
“Pi”] AND President Putin of Russia Invades Ukraine at approximately 9 PM Central Time [see above -
Garland, Texas] (2-23-2022) or 5 AM Eastern European Time or 6 AM Moscow Time (2-24-2022) AND,_third_Rome
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33) AND
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (11-21) [According to Tradition, the
Blessed Virgin Mary was Presented/Consecrated to the Jerusalem Temple at the
Age of 3] AND [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our
Website] 11-21 Month-Day = Calendar Year 2023 AND See above, "Ascension Year"/
Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Jesus’ Age: 2023] (2020) plus 3 Years = 2023 AND
See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit,
Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963)
AND Yom Kippur [Arab-Israeli] War Starts (10-6-1973) + 50 Years = [see below, Yom
Kippur (10-11-2027 “Pi”) and Hoshana Rabbah/”The Great Salvation”/Return of Jesus
Christ (10-22-2027 “Pi”)] see above and below, Sukkot Ends on Hoshana Rabbah {21}/
Shemini Atzeret Starts {22 Tishrei 5784} [Jewish “Eighth {Day} of Assembly”] {1 Day}
Candle Lighting: 5:38 PM Israeli Time + 40 Minutes = [Jerusalem, Israel Sunset: 264°
West] 6:18 PM Israeli Time (10-6-2023) AND The US-Israeli Conflict with Persia/Iran
Starts [Principal Minister of the King of Persia/Iran was named “Haman”, and see below,
“Haman” figures in the Jewish Purim Katan and Purim Holidays in 2024] AND “Hamas”
{Terrorist Organization Supported by Persia/Iran} in Gaza Strip Launches Thousands of
Rockets and Invades Southern Israel – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says
“Israel, we are at war!” [10:30 PM Central Time/6:30 AM Israeli Time {10-7}] (10-6-2023) AND
Chechnya is a Federal Republic of Russia [see above, the Starting of the 3rd World War
(2-24-2022) and {see below} the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ (10-22-2027) {see above,
“Pi”} and see “2nd Lesson: 3rd Anti-Christ (4-5-2007)"] AND See above, Baptism of Jesus
Christ in the Jordan River [Age: 30] (1-6-27 AD) AND See above, Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion,
Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to Easter [Age: 36] (4-3-33 AD) AND See above,
Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd
President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov {Inaugurated} [Age: 30] (4-5-2007) AND See above,
I was Born in Riverside, California (33° North Latitude) AND See above, My Birth (3-2-1964)
+ 43 Years = 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov {Elected} [Age: 30]
(3-2-2007) AND 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov {Acting} [Age: 30]
(2-15-2007) AND See below, Muslim Holiday of Isra’ and Mi'raj/The Journey of The Prophet to
Jerusalem (2-7-2024) + Months-Days 2-15/75 Days = (4-22-2024) [Satan’s Great Persecution/
Passover Starts, see below] AND Century VIII, Quatrain 77 by Nostradamus {Latin}/Michel de
Nostredame [French = "Our Lady" referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary] wrote: "The Third {3rd}
Antichrist will soon be annihilated, Twenty-Seven [27] years his war will last. The Unbelievers
are dead, captive, exiled; With blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth." AND
[70th Week of Daniel - see Picture Image at the Start of the “4th and 5th
Lessons: ‘Ascension Thursday’ (10-22-2020)”, and see Picture Image at the
Start of the “7th Lesson: The Return of Christ (10-22-2027) {‘Pi’}”, and see above,
Picture Image at the Start of this Lesson, and see above, 1260 Days + 1260 Days =
2520 Days = see below, Return of Jesus Christ (10-22-2027) {“Pi” – see above}] AND
1230 Days [see below, 3-23-2024] + [2 x 720 = 1440 Hours/
60 Days = see below, 5-22-2024] 1290 Days = 2520 Days AND
1185 Days [see above, 2-7-2024] + [3600 Hours/
150 Days = see below, 7-6-2024] 1335 Days = 2520 Days AND
1290 Days (5-22-2024) + 6-3 Weeks-Days/45 Days = (7-6-2024)
1335 Days AND 1185 Days (2-7-2024) + 6-3 Weeks-Days/45 Days =
(3-23-2024) 1230 Days AND See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ:
Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND 1185 Days (2-7-2024) +
53 Days = Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (3-31-2024)
AND See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-
1964) AND See above, Muslim Holiday of Isra’ and Mi'raj/The Journey of The Prophet to
Jerusalem (2-7-2024) 1185 Days + Months-Days 2-15/75 Days = 1260 Days [see below,
Start of Passover and the Great Persecution of Satan Begins] (4-22-2024) minus 3.5 Years/
3 1/2 Years/3-6 Years-Months [x 360 Days per Year = 1260 Days] = see above, "Ascension
Thursday"/Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit} Sunday:
56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57] (10-22-2020) +
[(3-23-2024) 1230 Days minus 27 Days =] 1203 Days [minus 18 Days] = 1185 Days (2-7-2024) AND
End of Purim Katan on Friday/Shabbat {A Conflict with Persia/Iran} [14 Adar I 5784]
{Hebrew “Little Lots"} [Cities Without Walls] 6:00 PM Central Time {Candle Lighting} + 18
Minutes = 6:18 PM Central Time [Sunset at 259° West] in Garland, Texas (2-23-2024) AND
Start of Shushan Purim Katan on Friday/Shabbat {A Conflict with Persia/Iran} [15 Adar I
5784] {Hebrew “Little Lots"} [Cities With Walls] 4:51 PM Israeli Time {Candle Lighting} + 40
Minutes = 5:31 PM Israeli Time [Sunset at 259° West] in Jerusalem, Israel (2-23-2024) AND
Zion [Named after Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, Israel], Illinois Area Code (224) AND See above,
End of Shushan Purim Katan on Saturday/Shabbat {A Conflict with Persia/Iran} [15 Adar I
5784] {Hebrew “Little Lots"} [Cities With Walls] 5:32 PM Israeli Time {Sunset at 259° West} + 42
Minutes = 6:14 PM Israeli Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”] in Jerusalem, Israel (2-24-2024) AND,_Illinois
See above, Ash Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter [Fast] (3-3-303 AD) AND
See above, Ta'anit Esther [Thursday] {Jewish: 3-Day Fast of Esther for the
Saving of the Jews in Persia/Iran} [Fast] {11 Adar II 5784} Starts at Dawn at
4:29 AM Israeli Time + 72 Minutes = 5:41 AM Israeli Time [Sunrise at 89° East]
& Ends at 5:51 PM Israeli Time {Sunset at 271° West} + 42 Minutes = 6:33 PM
Israeli Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky"] in Jerusalem, Israel (3-21-2024) AND
See above, Ta'anit Esther [Thursday] {Jewish: 3-Day Fast of Esther for the
Saving of the Jews in Persia/Iran} [Fast] {11 Adar II 5784} Starts at Dawn at
6:16 AM Central Time + 72 Minutes = 7:28 AM Central Time [Sunrise at 89°
East] & Ends at 7:39 PM Central Time {Sunset at 271° West} + 42 Minutes = 8:21
PM Central Time [Nightfall, "3 Stars in the Sky"] in Garland, Texas (3-21-2024) AND
See above, Last Supper of Jesus Christ and the Institution of the Eucharist
[Age: 36] (4-2-33 AD) AND See above, (3-23-2024) 1230 Days + 4-2 Weeks-
Days/30 Days/720 Hours = 1260 Days (4-22-2024) [The Great Persecution of
Satan Begins and the Start of Passover, see below] AND See above, Start of Purim
{Saturday/Shabbat} [Victory over Persia/Iran] {14 Adar II 5784} [Hebrew “Lots"] {Cities
Without Walls} 7:40 PM Central Time [Sunset at 272° West] + 42 Minutes = 8:22 PM Central Time
{Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”} in Garland, Texas [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (3-23-2024) AND
See above, Palm Sunday: 7 Days to Easter {Holy Day} [Jesus' Age: 2027
{"Pi" - see above}] (3-24-2024) AND See above, End of Purim on Sunday
{Victory over Persia/Iran} [14 Adar II 5784] {Hebrew “Lots"} [Cities Without
Walls] 7:41 PM Central Time {Sunset at 273° West} + 42 Minutes = 8:23 PM
Central Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”] in Garland, Texas (3-24-2024) AND
See above, Start of Shushan Purim on Sunday {Victory over
Persia/Iran} [15 Adar II 5784] {Hebrew “Lots"} [Cities With Walls]
5:53 PM Israeli Time {Sunset at 273° West} in Jerusalem, Israel (3-24-2024) AND
See above, My Birth (3-2-1964) AND Pi-Jesus Christ's
Conception Day/Birth Day {22/7} (3-2-5 BC) [See below,
Return of Jesus Christ {Jesus’ Age: 2030} (2027) {see above,
“Pi”}] AND See above, Jesus Christ's Annunciation Day/Conception
Day (3-25-5 BC) AND My Maternal GrandMother's, Adeline Thompson-
Conway, Conception Day (3-25-1917) AND My Paternal GrandMother's,
Evelyn Stanley-Tarver, Death Day (3-25-1971) AND {See above} My Name is
“Bobby Lee Tarver, Jr.”, and Using Gematria [Jewish Numerology], the English
Ordinal = 180 AND [See above, Gregorian Calendar] My Birth (3-2-1964) = 18 Adar
5724 [Jewish-Lunar Calendar] AND My Birth Day [Age: 57] (3-2-2021) = {Jewish-Lunar
Calendar} 18 Adar 5781 (3-2-2021) [See above, Starting of the Daily Sacrifice on Trinity
{Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday {Holy Day} {Jesus’ Age: 2024} (5-30-2021)] AND
My Birth Day [Age: 56] (3-2-2020) = [Jewish-Lunar Calendar] 18 Adar 5780 {“Pi”} (3-14-2020)
[See above, "Ascension Year"/Starting of the Tribulation (2020) + 7 Years = (2027) {“Pi”}] AND
My Birth Day [Age: 55] (3-2-2019) = [Jewish-Lunar Calendar] 18 Adar II 5779 (3-25-2019) AND [See the picture on our Website “Home” Page]
Since the Temple Fell {see below, Destruction by the Romans in 70 AD of the Jewish
2nd Temple in Jerusalem}, there have been NO Passover “Sacrifices”, and the Jewish
Ta’anit Bechorot has Taken It Place Over the Years [See the “Easter-Passover-Christ”
Page in the “2019-20xx Calendar.xlsx” and You Can “Download” It from Our “Home”
Page] AND See above, Starting of the Daily Sacrifice on Trinity [Father, Son & the Holy
Spirit] Sunday {Holy Day} [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (5-30-2021) AND See above, Jesus Christ's
Annunciation/Conception Day (3-25-5 BC) AND See above, Ta'anit Bechorot {Fast of the
Firstborn} [Thursday] {Jewish: "Death of the Firstborn" the 10th Plague in Egypt} [12 Nisan
5781] Starts at Dawn at 4:24 AM Israeli Time + 72 Minutes = 5:36 AM Israeli Time {Sunrise,
87° East} & Ends at 5:54 PM Israeli Time [Sunset, 273° West] + 42 Minutes = 6:36 PM Israeli
Time {Nightfall, "3 Stars in the Sky"} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (3-25-2021) AND
Ta'anit Bechorot {Fast of the Firstborn} [Thursday] {Jewish: "Death of the Firstborn" the 10th
Plague in Egypt} [12 Nisan 5781] Starts at Dawn at 6:11 AM Central Time + 72 Minutes = 7:23
AM CT {Sunrise, 87° East} & Ends at 7:42 PM CT [Sunset, 273° West] + 42 Minutes = 8:24 PM
Central Time {Nightfall, "3 Stars in the Sky"} in Garland, Texas [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (3-25-2021) AND
See above, Jesus Christ's Annunciation/Conception Day (3-25-5 BC)
AND Penumbral Lunar Eclipse [Full Moon/Ecliptic Conjunction: 2:00 AM
Central Time/7:00 AM Universal Time/9:00 AM Israeli Time] (3-25-2024)
AND See above, End of Shushan Purim on Monday [Victory over Persia/
Iran] {15 Adar II 5784} [Hebrew “Lots"] {Cities With Walls} 5:54 PM Israeli
Time [Sunset at 273° West] + 42 Minutes = 6:36 PM Israeli Time {Nightfall, “3
Stars in the Sky”} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2027 {“Pi”, see above}] (3-25-2024) AND
See above, Jesus Christ's Annunciation Day/Conception Day (3-25-5 BC) AND
Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord [Roman Catholic Celebration] (3-25-2024) +
14 Days/2 x 7 Days [Due to Easter it is Transferred Forward to the Date] = (4-8-2024)
AND See above, Total Solar Eclipse [Greatest Eclipse: 13:17:13 Central Time/18:17:13
Universal Time/21:17:13 Israeli Time; New Moon/Ecliptic Conjunction: 13:20:50 Central
Time/18:20:50 Universal Time/21:20:50 Israeli Time; Partial Solar Eclipse in Garland, Texas:
12:23:46 PM + 2 Hours 39 Minutes 20 Seconds = 3:03:06 PM Central Time; Total Solar Eclipse in
Garland, Texas: 1:41:11 PM + 3 Minutes 51 Seconds = 1:45:02 PM Central Time] (4-8-2024) AND
See above, My Birth Day {62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM Pacific Time] (3-2-1964) AND
[Revelation 8] The 7th Seal = "When he broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in
heaven for about half an hour.” {approximately 30 Minutes} AND {See above} Lunar Eclipse
(3-25-2024) + 28 Days = The Murder of the Two Witnesses (4-22-2024) and Lunar Eclipse
(3-25-2024) + 32 Days = The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses (4-26-2024) [see below,
Revelation 11] AND The 7 Angels are Given Trumpets AND Another Angel is Given a Gold
Censer, Filled with Burning Coals, and Hurls It Down to Earth AND [Starting of the Nuclear
Holocaust] The 1st Trumpet = 1/3rd of the Land is Affected by Burning Up AND The 2nd
Trumpet = 1/3rd of the Sea is Affected by Turning "Blood" Red AND The 3rd Trumpet =
1/3rd of the Rivers and Fresh Waters are Affected by Turning to “Wormwood” or Bitterness
AND The 4th Trumpet = 1/3rd of the Light, from the Sun and Moon, are Affected by Turning
“Dark” AND [Revelation 9] The 5th Trumpet/1st Woe = An Angel, Nicknamed the "Destroyer",
Opens the Abyss and "Locusts" Torment Men for 5 Months AND The 6th Trumpet/2nd Woe =
1/3rd of the Human Race was Killed AND See above, My Conception Day and Birth Day of the
Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy
Day] (6-2-1963) AND [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website]
Calendar Year 1963 equals Month-Day 9-22 AND 9-22-2024 minus 5 Months = 4-22-2024 AND
See above, Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord (4-8-2024) + 14 Days/2 x 7
Days = (4-22-2024) AND See above, Jesus Christ's Annunciation/Conception Day
(3-25-5 BC) AND See above, Jesus Christ’s Birth Day (12-25-5 BC) AND [See above] I Grew
Up in Lufkin, Texas AND Angelina {Spanish: "Little Angel"} County, Texas was Created (4-22-
1846) [The County Seat is Lufkin {English: from a pet form of “Love”}, Texas] AND See above,
Ta'anit Bechorot [Fast of the Firstborn] {Monday} [Jewish: "Death of the Firstborn" the 10th
Plague in Egypt] {14 Nisan 5784} Starts at Dawn at 5:35 AM Central Time + 72 Minutes =
6:47 AM Central Time [Sunrise, 75° East] & Ends at 7:44 PM Central Time {Passover Candle
Lighting} in Garland, Texas [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (4-22-2024) AND Parts of the
US will be Attacked and Destroyed by Foreign Nuclear Weapons [Great Persecution of Satan
Begins] (4-22-2024) AND See above, Start of Passover [Jewish: "Pass Over the Firstborn"]
{Monday} [15 Nisan 5784] {8 Days} 7:44 PM Central Time [Candle Lighting] + 18 Minutes =
8:02 PM Central Time {Sunset at 286° West} + 42 Minutes = 8:44 PM Central Time [Seder
Dinner] {Nightfall, "3 Stars in the Sky"} in Garland, Texas [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi”] (4-22-2024) AND
See above, Last Supper of Jesus Christ and the Institution of the Eucharist
{Holy Thursday} [Age: 36] (4-2-33 AD) AND See above, "Ascension Thursday"/
Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit} Sunday:
56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57]
(10-22-2020) + 3.5 Years/3 1/2 Years/3-6 Years-Months/42 Months [see above, “A
Prophetic Year” = 360 Days per Year and a “Circle” = 360° - see above] = (4-22-2024)
AND 4-22/22-4 Month-Day/Day-Month AND 360 kilometers = 224 miles AND See
“Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website and Calendar Year
2024 = Month-Day 11-22 AND See above, Assassination of the 35th US President, John
F. Kennedy and the 1st US President to be Roman Catholic, in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
[12:30 PM Central Time] (11-22-1963) at the Age of 46 AND The 36th President, Lyndon
Baines Johnson, Sworn In at Love Field Airport, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (11-22-1963)
AND [See above] I Live in Garland, Dallas County, Texas and My Phone Number is (214)
XXX-5009 AND See above, 59th US Presidential Election: Joseph “Joe” Biden [He is the
2nd US President to be Roman Catholic and from Delaware Area Code (302) – see above,
My Birth Day (03-02-1964)] Wins the 46th Presidency of the US (11-3-2020) AND See above,
“Ash” Wednesday: 46 Days to Easter {Lent} [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (2-14-2024) AND
See above and below, Tribulation or the Great Persecution [Satan On The Earth] (4-22-2024) AND
My Maternal Uncle and My GodFather's, Joseph “Joe” Conway, Jr., Birth Day
(1-13-1939) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND Jewish Calendar
Starting Point [“Anno Mundi”] (3761 BC) minus 3336 Years [see above, Jesus
Christ’s Last Supper on Holy Thursday on 4-2-33 AD at the Age of 36] = [10 Tevet
3336] {Thursday} (1-13-425 BC) [Beginning of the Babylonian Siege of Jerusalem] +
31 Months [or 32 Jewish Months Due to 3338 had 13 Months {Adar I and Adar II}] =
[9 Av 3338] {Tuesday} (8-13-423 BC) [Babylonian Destruction of the 1st Temple] AND
(8-13-423 BC) + 480 Years = (8-13-58 AD) The Death of the Blessed Virgin Mary AND
{See above and below} Death of the Firstborn and 1st Passover [15 Nisan 2448 = 4-21
Sunset {Monday} thru 4-22 Sunset {Tuesday} 1313 BC] Occurred EXACTLY at Midnight on
4-22-1313 BC + 3336 Years [see above, Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Good Friday: 3 Days from
Easter/2 Days to Easter {Holy Day} on 4-3-33 AD at the Age of 36] = {see the “Easter-Passover-
Christ” Page in the “2019-20xx Calendar.xlsx” in the “Home” Page of our Website and see above}
“Passover Sacrifice” [14 Nisan 5784 = 4-21 Sunset {Sunday} thru 4-22 Sunset {Monday} 2024] AND
[For “Living Persons”, Please See the “Genealogy-Eclipses” Page in the
“2019-20xx Calendar.xlsx” – You Can “Download” it from the “Home” Page]
See above, Death of the Virgin Mary 8-13-58 AD minus 480 Years = 8-13-423 BC AND
See above, Jewish Scribes said that the 1st Temple Destruction Occurs on 8-13-423 BC
[It Occurs Either in 587 or 586 BC, see the link below “Missing years (Jewish calendar)”]
AND The reason why is that They Calculated that 490 Years [see above, 70 Weeks of 7
Years = 490 Years = “The Holy City and The Temple in Jerusalem”] had to be between the
1st Temple Destruction by Babylon and the 2nd Temple Destruction by Rome, Both on 9 Av
AND [9 Av 3338/8-13-423 BC] + 490 Years [You MUST use the Christian Calendar because
1 Year is Taken Off {1 BC is followed by 1 AD, so “No 0 Years”}, and another 1 Year is Taken Off
{8-13-423 BC compared to 8-4-70 AD is “Not Yet a Year”}, so 492 Years minus 2 = 490 Years] =
[8-4-70 AD/9 Av 3830] AND In comparison, the Jewish Calendar sees 423 BC/9 Av 3338 + 490
Years = 9 Av 3828/68 AD or 422 BC/9 Av 3339 + 490 Years = 9 Av 3829/69 AD or 421 BC/9 Av
3340 + 490 Years = 9 Av 3830/70 AD AND It is interesting to note that two items appear below:
(1) {See "20xx-20xx Rosary (54 Days).xxx" in the Home Page of our Website} Calendar Year -69/
-70 BC = Month-Day 2-28 [because the Calendar was Developed in 2009, therefore there was
No “Leap Year”, so 2-28 and 2-29 had to be Combined] AND (2) 421 BC = 4-21 Month-Day and
422 BC = 4-22 Month-Day and this is the Day of the “Passover Sacrifice” {see above, and see the
“Easter-Passover-Christ” Page in the “2019-20xx Calendar.xlsx” in the Home Page of our Website}
[14 Nisan 5784 = 4-21 Sunset {Sunday} thru 4-22 Sunset {Monday} 2024] AND On Tisha B’Av [9 Av
5784] {Tuesday} (8-13-2024 AD) minus EXACTLY 2,446 Years = The Destruction of the 1st Temple by
Babylon [9 Av 3338] {Tuesday} (8-13-423 BC) AND {See above} The Siege of Jerusalem (1-13-425 BC)
[10 Tevet 3336] + 2,448 Years [1st Passover 15 Nisan 2448] = [9 Av 5784] {Tuesday} (8-13-2024) AND
See above, Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord (4-8-2024) + 14 Days/2 x 7 Days =
(4-22-2024) AND See above, Jesus Christ’s Annunciation/Conception Day (3-25-5 BC)
AND See above, Jesus Christ’s Birth Day (12-25-5 BC) AND See above, My Conception
Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/
50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND See above, Ta'anit Bechorot [Fast of the
Firstborn] {Monday} [Jewish: "Death of the Firstborn" the 10th Plague in Egypt] {14 Nisan
5784} Starts at Dawn at 4:50 AM Israeli Time + 72 Minutes = 6:02 AM Israeli Time [Sunrise, 75°
East] & Ends at 6:33 PM Israeli Time {Passover Candle Lighting} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age:
2027 “Pi” – see above] (4-22-2024) AND See below, in Jerusalem, the Anti-Christ Murders The
Two Witnesses {Great Persecution of Satan Begins} (4-22-2024) - “The inhabitants of the earth
will gloat over them and be glad and exchange gifts because these two prophets tormented the
inhabitants of the earth.” [Revelation 11:10] AND Earth Day [World-Wide Celebrations] (4-22-
2024) AND See above, 1st Passover [15 Nisan 2448] (4-22-1313 BC) + 3336 Years [see above,
Jesus Christ was "Risen from the Dead" at Easter on 4-5-33 AD at the Age of 36] = see above,
Start of Passover {Jewish: "Pass Over the Firstborn"} [Monday] {15 Nisan 5784} [7 Days] 6:33
PM Israeli Time {Candle Lighting} + 40 Minutes = 7:13 PM Israeli Time [see above, My 3rd Stroke,
Garland, Texas (7-13-2016)] {Sunset at 285° West} + 42 Minutes = 7:55 PM Israeli Time [Seder
Dinner] {Nightfall, "3 Stars in the Sky"} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi”] (4-22-2024) AND
See above, My Mother’s Death (12-6-2008) at Farm to Market Road 252, Kirbyville,
Texas AND See above, My Father and I Live at 2502 Club Creek Boulevard in Garland,
Texas AND 2520 = 1260 + 1260 AND The Two Witnesses Prophesize for 1260 Days
[Revelation 11] AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, "Ascension
Thursday"/Starting of the Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit}
Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57]
(10-22-2020) + 3.5 Years/3 1/2 Years/3-6 Years-Months [see above, “A Prophetic Year” =
360 Days per Year and a “Circle” = 360° - see above] = 1260 Days (4-22-2024) AND The Anti-
Christ Murders The Two Witnesses in Jerusalem, Israel [see above, “Passover 2024”] {6:33 PM
Israeli Time} [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (4-22-2024) AND The 45th Anniversary of My
Maternal 1st Cousin’s, Brandy Risinger, Birth [She was Born in, see above, My Home Town of
Lufkin {English: from a pet form of “Love”}, Angelina {Spanish: "Little Angel"} County, Texas]
(4-26-1979) AND The Corpses of The Two Witnesses are Unburied for 3.5 Days, and then the
Spirit of God Entered Them, and God says "Come up here" and They are Taken Up to Heaven
{6:36 AM Israeli Time} [see above, Jesus Christ was "Risen from the Dead" on Easter Sunday on
4-5-33 AD at the Age of 36] (4-26-2024) AND "At that moment there was a great earthquake, and
a tenth of the city fell in ruins. Seven [7] thousand people were killed during the earthquake; the rest
were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven." AND Candle Lighting for Shabbat {see above} on
Friday Starting at 6:36 PM Israeli Time [see above, 19 Nisan 5784 - Passover 5 of 7] (4-26-2024) AND
[For “Living Persons”, Please See the “Genealogy-Eclipses” Page in the
“2019-20xx Calendar.xlsx” – You Can “Download” it from the “Home” Page]
See above, Jesus Christ’s Resurrection: Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-5-33
AD) AND Orthodox Easter Sunday {Julian Calendar} [Jesus’ Age: 2027 – see above,
“Pi”] (5-5-2024) AND [22/7 “Pi”] 22-7/7-22 Day-Month/Month-Day AND Feast of
Mary Magdalene [1st Person to See the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday {John 20} and
She Journeys to and Died in Southern France {French Country Code Number 33}] (7-22)
AND 33rd Summer Olympics Scheduled for Paris, France in 2024 AND As a Result of the 1st
Crusade, Godfrey of Bouillon Assumed "Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre" {Christ's Tomb} [1st
Christian King of Jerusalem] (7-22-1099) AND See above, 1st Anti-Christ and French Emperor
Napoleon Bonaparte’s Death while in Exile on Saint Helena [It was Named after Saint Helena the
Mother of Constantine {see below, 1st Roman Emperor to Embrace Christianity}] (5-5-1821) plus
203 Years = see above/below, Start of Yom HaShoah [Hebrew "Holocaust Day"] {28 Nisan 5784}
7:22 PM Israeli Time [Sunset at 290° West] in Jerusalem, Israel (5-5-2024) AND See above, 3rd
Anti-Christ Ramzan Kadyrov Forces the People To Flee Out of Jerusalem in Terror (5-5-2024) AND,_mother_of_Constantine_I
See above, Jesus Christ’s Resurrection: Easter Sunday {Holy Day} [Age: 36]
(4-5-33 AD) AND Orthodox Easter Monday {Julian Calendar} [Jesus’ Age: 2027
“Pi” – see above] (5-6-2024) AND [22/7 “Pi”] 22-7/7-22 Day-Month/Month-Day
AND See above, as an Outcome of the 1st Crusade, Godfrey of Bouillon Assumed
"Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre" {Christ's Tomb} [1st Christian King of Jerusalem]
(7-22-1099) AND Penumbral Lunar Eclipse [Occurring on Jewish Passover] (4-14-70
AD) AND See above, My Birth Hour [4:14 PM] AND See above, Destruction of the Jewish
2nd Temple by the Romans in Jerusalem (8-4-70 AD) AND See above, 3rd Anti-Christ Ramzan
Kadyrov Begins the Martyring of the People (5-6-2024) AND See above, End of Yom HaShoah
{Hebrew "Holocaust Day"} [28 Nisan 5784] 7:22 PM Israeli Time {Sunset at 290° West} + 42
Minutes = 8:04 PM Israeli Time [Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”] in Jerusalem, Israel (5-6-2024) AND
See above, 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov
{Acting} [Age: 30] (2-15-2007) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 2-15/15-2
AND 5-21/21-5 Month-Day/Day-Month AND See above, 1st Anti-Christ
Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French {French Country Code Number
33}, in Exile on Saint Helena [It was Named after Saint Helena the Mother of
Constantine {see below, 1st Roman Emperor to Embrace Christianity}] AND
See above, Feast of Saint Helena [Protestant] (5-21) AND See above, Portuguese
Discover Saint Helena (5-21-1502) + 522 Years = see above, Start of Pesach Sheni or
Second Passover [Jewish: "Pass Over the Firstborn"] {Tuesday} [14 Iyar 5784] 7:33 PM Israeli
Time {Sunset at 295° West} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (5-21-2024)
AND See below, End of Pesach Sheni or Second Passover in Jerusalem, Israel (5-22-2024) AND
See above, Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion, Good Friday: 3 Days from
Easter/2 Days to Easter {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-3-33 AD) AND
[See above, The Death of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8-13-58 AD]
Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven (8-15-58 AD) AND
Constantine {1st Christian Roman Emperor - His Reign Started in
306 AD} Birth Day [see above, “Pi”] (2-27-272 AD) and Death Day
(5-22-337 AD) AND See above, 1st Anti-Christ Napoleon Bonaparte,
Emperor of the French {French Country Code Number 33}, Birth Day
(8-15-1769) [His Death was at Saint Helena – It was Named after Saint
Helena the Mother of Constantine the 1st Roman Emperor to Embrace
Christianity] AND South Korea’s Independence Day [Capital: Seoul] (8-15-
1948) + 76 Years = (8-15-2024) AND (5-22-2024) + 2-24 Months-Days =
(8-15-2024) AND See above, 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya
Ramzan Kadyrov's Birth Day (10-5-1976) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-
1964) AND Largest EarthQuake in History: 3:11:14 PM Chile Time/7:11:14 PM
Universal Time, 9.5 Magnitude, Depth: 33 kilometers/21 miles, Epicenter: Valdivia,
Chile (5-22-1960) + 64 Years = The 3rd Anti-Christ Abolished the Daily Sacrifice and
Places an Image in the Temple ["The Desolating Abomination" - Daniel 11:31, Matthew
24:15] and Jewish Holidays are No Longer in Force (5-22-2024) AND See above, End of
Pesach Sheni/Second Passover {Jewish: "Pass Over the Firstborn"} [Wednesday] {14 Iyar
5784} 7:33 PM Israeli Time [Sunset at 295° West] plus 42 Minutes = 8:15 PM Israeli Time
{Nightfall, “3 Stars in the Sky”} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi”] (5-22-2024) AND
See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth
Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ [Age:
36] (4-5-33 AD) AND See above, "Ascension Thursday"/Starting of the
Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56
Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57]
(10-22-2020) + [see above, “Prophetic Year” = 360 Days per Year x 7 Years =] 2520
Days = see below, Return of Jesus Christ [Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday: 63
Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 64] (10-22-
2027) {“Pi” - see above} AND 2520 Days minus 1335 Days [see above and below, 7-6-
2024] = 1185 Days [see above, 2-7-2024] AND 1230 Days [see above, 3-23-2024] +
1290 Days [see above, 5-22-2024] = 2520 Days AND 1335 Days minus 1185 Days =
150 Days AND 1335 Days minus 1230 Days or 1290 Days minus 1185 Days = 105 Days
AND 1335 Days minus 1290 Days or 1230 Days minus 1185 Days = 45 Days AND 1290
Days minus 1230 Days = 60 Days AND 60 minus 45 = 15 AND 45 + 60 = 105 AND 45 +
105 = 150 AND See above, 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov's
Conception Day (1-5-1976) and His Birth Day (10-5-1976) [see the link below, 2-7-2024 +
15 Weeks/105 Days/2520 Hours = 5-22-2024; see the link below, 2-7-2024 + 150 Days/
3600 Hours = 7-6-2024; see the link below, 5-22-2024 + 6-3 Weeks-Days/45 Days = 7-6-
2024] AND 2520 Days minus 1260 Days = 1260 Days AND See above, Start of the Jewish
Purim Holiday (3-23-2024) 1230 Days + 30 Days/720 Hours = 1260 Days (4-22-2024) [The
Great Persecution of Satan Begins and the Start of the Jewish Passover Holiday, see above] +
30 Days/720 Hours = {see above, "The Desolating Abomination" Begins [Daniel 12:11] and the
End of the Jewish Second Passover Holiday} [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi”] 1290 Days (5-22-2024) AND
See above, My Conception Day (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth
Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ [Age:
36] (4-5-33 AD) AND See above, "Ascension Thursday"/Starting of the
Tribulation {7 Years} [Trinity {Father, Son and the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56
Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 56, My Conception Age: 57]
(10-22-2020) + [see above, “Prophetic Year” = 360 Days per Year x 7 Years =] 2520
Days = see below, Return of Jesus Christ [Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday: 63
Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 64] (10-22-
2027) {“Pi” - see above} AND 2520 Days minus {see above, 7-6-2024} [Daniel 12:12]
1335 Days = 1185 Days [see above, 2-7-2024] AND 1230 Days [see above, 3-23-2024]
+ 1290 Days [see above, 5-22-2024] = 2520 Days AND 1335 Days minus 1185 Days =
150 Days AND 1335 Days minus 1230 Days or 1290 Days minus 1185 Days = 105 Days
AND 1335 Days minus 1290 Days or 1230 Days minus 1185 Days = 45 Days AND 1290
Days minus 1230 Days = 60 Days AND 60 minus 45 = 15 AND 45 + 60 = 105 AND 45 +
105 = 150 AND See above, 3rd Anti-Christ/3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov's
Conception Day (1-5-1976) and His Birth Day (10-5-1976) and His Presidency [Acting] of
Chechnya (2-15-2007) AND See the link below, 3-23-2024 plus 15 Weeks/105 Days/2520
Hours = 7-6-2024; see the link above, 2-7-2024 + 150 Days/3600 Hours = 7-6-2024; 5-22-
2024 + 6-3 Weeks-Days/45 Days = 7-6-2024, see the link above AND 2520 Days minus 1260
Days = 1260 Days AND See above, The Journey of The Prophet to Jerusalem/Muslim Isra’ and
Mi'raj Holiday (2-7-2024) 1185 Days + 2-15 Months-Days/10-5 Weeks-Days/75 Days = 1260
Days (4-22-2024) [see above, The Great Persecution of Satan Begins and the Start of the Jewish
Passover Holiday] + 2-15 Months-Days/10-5 Weeks-Days/75 Days = 1335 Days (7-6-2024) AND
Return of Jesus Christ (10-22-2027) [“Pi”] minus 1203 Days = [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi”] (7-6-2024) AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday {Holy
Day} [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth
Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/
50 Days from Easter (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND
See above, Starting of the Daily Sacrifice on Trinity {Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit}
Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 57, My Conception Age:
57 [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (5-30-2021) + 3 Years = Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Thursday:
60 Days after Easter/61 Days from Easter, My Age: 60, My Conception Age: 60 [Jesus’
Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (5-30-2024) AND Corpus Christi [Body of Christ] Sunday: 63
Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 60, My Conception Age: 61 {It Falls on the
61st Anniversary of My Conception Day [Pentecost Sunday] (6-2-1963)} [Jesus’ Age: 2027
“Pi”] (6-2-2024) AND Starting of the Daily Sacrifice on Trinity {Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit}
Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 57, My Conception Age: 57 [Jesus’
Age: 2024] (5-30-2021) + 6 Years = Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday: 63 Days after Easter/
64 Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 63 [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (5-30-2027 "Pi") AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33
AD) AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the
Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter (6-2-
1963) AND See above, My Birth Day {62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM Pacific
Time] (3-2-1964) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 4-14/14-4 AND See above,
I was Born in Riverside, California [33° North Latitude] and the City of Riverside,
California Incorporated (10-11-1883) + 144 Years = (10-11-2027) [“Pi” - see above]
AND See above, US-Apollo 7 Launched into Space (10-11-1968) and its Landing on the
Earth [3 Astronauts Returned, see above, Trinity] (10-22-1968) + 59 Years = see below,
Return of Jesus Christ {Corpus Christi [Body of Christ] Sunday: 63 Days after Easter/64
Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 64} [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027
“Pi”) AND Feast of Pope Saint John XXIII [Death Day 6-3-1963] (10-11) and Feast of Pope
Saint John Paul II {Death Day 4-2-2005} (10-22) [They were Dually Canonized on Divine
Mercy Sunday] AND See above, Starting of the Daily Sacrifice on Trinity {Father, Son & the
Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from Easter, My Age: 57, My Conception
Age: 57 [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (5-30-2021) AND [See above] Last 2 Digits of My Social Security
Number (88) AND National Coming Out Day (10-11-2027 “Pi”) AND Yom Kippur {Jewish: "Day of
Atonement"/Christian: "Second Coming of Jesus Christ"} [10 Tishrei 5788 = 10-11-2027 "Pi"] AND
See above, Last Supper of Jesus Christ and the Institution of the Eucharist [Age: 36] (4-2-
33 AD) AND See above, My Conception Day (06-02-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day
(03-02-1964) AND See above, the Start of Passover [Jewish: "Pass Over the Firstborn”] in
Jerusalem, Israel {6:33 PM Israeli Time} [Jesus’ Age: 2027 “Pi” - see above] (4-22-2024) plus
42 Months or 6-3/3-6 Months-Years/Years-Months = [see below] Return of Jesus Christ in
Jerusalem, Israel {6:00 PM Israeli Time} [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027) {“Pi”} AND See the
“7th Lesson: The Return of Christ (10-22-2027) {“Pi”} [Hoshana Rabbah/”The Great Salvation”] AND
See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the
Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter
[Holy Day] (06-02-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day (03-02-1964) AND
1st Day of Hanukkah ["Dedication"] and, see above, Jesus Christ's Birth Day
(12-25-5 BC) + 0302 Days + 2030 Years = Return of Jesus Christ [see above,
Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday: 63 Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter,
My Age: 7-20-63, My Conception Age: 4-20-64] (10-22-2027 AD) {“Pi” – see above} AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND
See above, My Conception/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost
Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter (6-2-1963) AND See above, My
Birth Day [62nd Day of the Year] (3-2-1964) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 6-2/2-6
AND Shemini Atzeret [PM on Holy Friday thru PM on Holy Saturday] (10-14 thru
10-15-4004 BC = 22 Tishrei -242) plus 6026 Years = Shemini Atzeret [PM on Holy
Friday thru PM on Holy Saturday] (22 Tishrei 5784 = 10-6 thru 10-7-2023 AD) AND
See above, Israeli-Hamas War Starts on the Holiday of Shemini Atzeret {Holy Saturday} at
6:30 AM Israeli Time [Jesus’ Age: 2026] (10-7-2023) AND See above, Starting of the Daily
Sacrifice on Trinity {Father, Son & the Holy Spirit} Sunday: 56 Days after Easter/57 Days from
Easter, My Age: 57, My Conception Age: 57 [Jesus’ Age: 2024] (5-30-2021) AND [See above]
Last 2 Digits of My Social Security Number (88) AND In Jewish texts, the Temple in Jerusalem
[“The Foundation Stone”], as the Place from which the “Creation of the World” Began AND Ussher
Chronology: "The Creation", Holy Saturday, 6:00 PM Israeli Time (10-22-4004 BC) + 6030 Years =
The End of Sukkot [PM on Holy Friday] {Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great Salvation"} [21 Tishrei 5788]
{Sunset at 257° West in Jerusalem, Israel} 6:00 PM Israeli Time [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027 AD)
{“Pi” - see above} and Shemini Atzeret Starts [PM on Holy Friday thru PM on Holy Saturday] {Jewish
"Eighth [8] Day of Assembly"} [22 Tishrei 5788] Candle Lighting: 5:20 PM + 40 Minutes = {Sunset at
257° West in Jerusalem, Israel} 6:00 PM Israeli Time [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027 AD) {“Pi”} AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36]
(4-5-33 AD) AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the
Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/
50 Days from Easter (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day [62nd
Day of the Year] (3-2-1964) AND 45th Academy Awards, Best Picture,
"The Godfather" (3-27-1973) AND See above, "The Creation" (10-22-4004
BC) + see above, Return of Jesus Christ [Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday:
63 Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 64]
(10-22-2027 AD) {“Pi” – see above} = 6030 Years + 1,000 Years [see below, Revelation
20:02] = Destruction of Satan and the Fulfillment of Peace [7030 Years] (10-22-3027 AD) DONE
Satan On The Earth
See “A 2nd Possible Timeline – ‘The Return of Jesus
Christ in 2060 AD’” in the “4th and 5th Lessons: ‘Ascension
Thursday’ (10-22-2020) [Year 2020].xxx” in the “Home” Page of our
Website AND [See above] My Telephone Number is (214) xxx-5009
AND See above, US-Apollo 7 Launched into Space (10-11-1968) + 59
Years = see above, Yom Kippur/My Cerebral Hemorrhage Starts (10-11-
2027) {“Pi” - see above} AND Month-Day/Day-Month 10-11/11-10 AND
Day-Month/Month-Day 10-11/11-10 = Calendar Year -2006 and Calendar Year
2012 [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website]
AND Portuguese leaves Angola/"Battle of Death Road" (11-10-1975) + 52 Years
[52 Weeks = 1 Year] = Feast of Our Lady [Blessed Virgin Mary] of Last Agony (11-10-
2027) {“Pi”} AND US-Apollo 7: Earth Landing (10-22-1968) + 59 Years = (10-22-2027)
{“Pi”} AND United Kingdom takes Control of Ascension Island (10-22-1815) + 212 Years =
See above, Hoshana Rabbah {“The Great Salvation”}/My Cerebral Hemorrhage Ends/My Death
Day/My Rapture Day/My Ascension Day [Holy Friday] in Jerusalem, Israel (10-22-2027) {“Pi”} AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36]
(4-5-33 AD) AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the
Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/
50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND See above, My Birth Day
[62nd Day of the Year] (3-2-1964) AND At My Death, see above, Corpus Christi
{Body of Christ} Sunday: 63 Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 7-20-63,
My Conception Age: 4-20-64 [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027) {“Pi” – see above} AND
Feast of Our Lady [Blessed Virgin Mary] of the Underground (10-22-2027) {“Pi”} AND
Feast of Saint Mary Salome [Sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary] (10-22-2027) {“Pi”} AND
See above, 1st Day of Hanukkah ["Dedication"] and Jesus Christ's Birth Day (12-25-5 BC)
AND See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND
Month-Day/Day-Month 3-6/6-3 AND See above, My Conception Day and Birth Day of the
Church thru the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter (6-2-
1963) AND See above, My Birth Day [62nd Day of the Year] (3-2-1964) AND See above, I was
Conceived in Norco, California (33° North Latitude and 117° West Longitude) AND See above,
I was Born in Riverside, California (33° North Latitude and 117° West Longitude) AND See above,
Yom HaAliyah Ends {Observed in Israeli Schools} [7 Cheshvan 5788] {Jewish "The 'Ascent' into the
Promised Land"} [see above, 1st Passover 15 Nisan 2448 + 40 Years in Exile = 10 Nisan 2488] on
Sunday (11-7-2027) {“Pi” – see above} AND 1st Passover [15 Nisan 2448] (4-22-1313 BC) + 3336
Years [Jesus Christ was "Risen from the Dead" in 33 AD at the Age of 36] = see above, Passover of
“The Great Persecution” [Jesus’ Age: 2027] {“Pi”} [15 Nisan 5784] (4-22-2024 AD) AND 1st Yom
HaAliyah Ends on Saturday/Shabbat {see above} [10 Nisan 2488] (4-25-1273 BC) + [3300 Jewish
Years] (= 3299 “Non-Jewish” Years + 1 Jewish New Year/Head of the Year/Rosh Hashanah on 1-2
Tishrei) = see above, Jewish Sukkot {Tabernacles} Ends on Holy Friday [Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great
Salvation"] and My Death Day {Jesus’ Age: 2030} [21 Tishrei 5788] (10-22-2027 AD) {"Pi"} AND 1st
Day of Hanukkah {"Dedication"} and Jesus Christ's Birth Day [Jesus’ Age: 2031, see below, 2057] on
Saturday/Shabbat (12-25-2027 AD) {"Pi"} AND 1st Yom HaAliyah Ends [10 Nisan 2488] (4-25-1273
BC) + [3336 Jewish Years] (= 3335 “Non-Jewish” Years + 1 Jewish New Year/Head of the Year/Rosh
Hashanah on 1-2 Tishrei) = {Jesus’ Age: 2066} [29 Tishrei 5824] (10-22-2063 AD) minus 6066 Years
[See below, Return of Jesus Christ on Friday {Jesus’ Age: 2063} (10-22-2060 AD)] = 10-22-4004 BC
[See above, “The Creation”] AND {See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our
Website} Calendar Year 602 and Calendar Year 2063 = Month-Day 12-31 [End of the Calendar] AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND Sir Isaac
Newton Prophetically Calculated that EITHER from the Year 756 AD [“Donation of Pepin”] +
1260 Days [see above, "The 70th Week of Daniel"]/Years = 2016 [see above, Yom HaAliyah
Ends {Jewish: The ‘Ascent’ into the Promised Land} and The 45th US President Donald John
Trump was Elected on the Same Day in 2016] OR from the Year 800 AD [when Charlemagne
Became the 1st Holy Roman Emperor] + 1260 Days/Years = 2060 AND See above, “Ascension
Thursday” (2020) + 40 Years [40 Years between Moses and the 1st Passover and Entering the
Promise Land of Israel AND 40 Days between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ {1st Easter} and
His Ascension Thursday] = 2060 AND See above, Numerical Value of God’s Name in Hebrew =
Tetragrammaton = 26 AND See above, My Death/Rapture/Ascension was in 2027 [see above –
“Pi”] + 33 Years [see above, Jesus Christ’s Ascension was on a Thursday in 33 AD] = 2060 AD AND
See above, Numerical Value of God’s Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26
AND If you take 2060 as the Return of Christ, the Starting of the Tribulation {7
Years} Occurs in 2053 [rather than 2020, see above] AND Day-Month/Month-Day
25-3/3-25 [see above, Annunciation/Conception Day of Jesus Christ = 3-25-5 BC]
AND “Satan On The Earth” Occurs in 2057 [rather than 2024, see above] AND [See
“Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website] Calendar Year
2057 = Month-Day 12-25 [see above, Jesus Christ’s Birth Day] AND Month-Day 12-28
[Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs] = Return of Jesus Christ Occurs in Calendar Year
2060 AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit,
Pentecost Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND
See above, Hoshana Rabbah {“The Great Salvation”} happens on [see above, “The Creation”
10-22-4004 BC + 6062 Years =] 10-15-2060 + 7 Days = 10-22-2060 AD [6063 Years] AND
See above, My Birth Day (3-2-1964) AND See above, Pi-Jesus Christ's Conception
Day/Birth Day [22/7 “Pi”, see above] (3-2-5 BC) AND See above, Annunciation or
Conception Day of Jesus Christ (3-25-5 BC) AND See above, My Maternal Grand
Mother's, Adeline Thompson-Conway, Conception Day (3-25-1917) AND See above,
My Paternal GrandMother's, Evelyn Stanley-Tarver, Death Day (3-25-1971) AND
Month-Day/Day-Month 3-25/25-3 AND See above, My Death Day (10-22-2027)
[“Pi”] plus 26 Years [26 = Tetragrammaton = the Numerical Value of God’s Name in
Hebrew, see above] = (10-22-2053) AND {See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the
“Home” Page of our Website} Calendar Year 227 [“Pi”] and Calendar Year 2053 = 12-21
Month-Day AND Feast of Saint Thomas {“The Twin” - He was also known as “Doubting
Thomas” because He Do Not Originally Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ} the
Apostle, II Class [Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite] Death Day (12-21-72 AD) AND
[The Mother of the 2nd Anti-Christ, see above, Adolf Hitler] Klara Polzl-Hitler's Death Day
(12-21-1907) AND A “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn {5th Planet and 6th Planet}
[This is the Closest They have been since 1623], and Named the "Christmas Star", due to its
Proximity to Christmas, happens at 12:20 Central Time/20:20 Israeli Time (12-21-2020) AND
Starting of the Tribulation [7 Years] {rather than 2020, see above} and Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Day [Assassination of the Jewish Prime Minister] at Sunset on Wednesday (10-22-2053) AND
See above, 10 Tevet 5814 [Siege of Jerusalem] {Jewish Fast} and the Winter Solstice happens on
Sunday in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Conception Age: 2057 - see above and below] (12-21-2053) AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD)
AND Month-Day/Day-Month 3-6/6-3 AND See above, Numerical Value of God’s
Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26 AND Day-Month/Month-Day 2-6/6-2
AND See above, My Conception Day and Birth Day of the Church through the Holy
Spirit, Pentecost Sunday (6-2-1963) AND [My 2nd Parish] Saint Pius X Roman Catholic
Church, 3030 Gus Thomasson Road, Dallas, Texas AND 257th Pope Saint Pius X Birth
Day (6-2-1835) AND See above, I was Born in Riverside, California (33° North Latitude)
AND See above, My Birth Day [62nd Day of the Year] (03-02-1964) AND {See “Calendar
Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website} My Conception Month-Year
6-1963 = Calendar Year 663 = Month-Day 3-2; Month-Day 12-23 = Calendar Year -1963 and
Calendar Year 229; [Since 3-2-1964 was a Leap Year, 2-29 + 2 Days = 3-2 {= 2-31}] Calendar Year
231 and Calendar Year 2057 = Month-Day 12-25 AND In a Leap Year, such as 2024, Month-Day
12-25 = 360 Days Gone in the Year [see above, “Prophetic Year” = 360 Days per Year and 360° =
A "Circle”, see above] AND See above, 1st Day of Hanukkah ["Dedication"] and Jesus Christ's Birth
Day (12-25-5 BC) + 2031 Years [Jesus’ Age] = see above, 1st Day of Hanukkah ["Dedication"] and
Jesus Christ's Birth Day (12-25-2027 AD) {"Pi” - see above} + 33 Years = 2060 minus 1260 Years =
12-25-800 AD [See above, Charlemagne Became the 1st Holy Roman Emperor] AND See above, My
Death Day and Jewish Sukkot Ends on Holy Friday [Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great Salvation"] and the
Setting of the Sun {257° West} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027) {"Pi"} + 26 Years
= {See above} Starting of the Tribulation [7 Years] (10-22-2053) + 3-6 Years-Months [x 360 Days per
Year = 1260 Days] = “Satan On The Earth” {Passover 4-5} (4-22-2057) [rather than 2024, see above]
AND See above, 1st Passover (4-22-1313 BC) + 3336 Years [Jesus Christ: "Risen from the Dead" in 33
AD at the Age of 36] = see above, Passover of “The Great Persecution” [Jesus’ Age: 2027] {“Pi”} (4-22-
2024 AD) + 33 Years = Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Jesus’ Age: 2060] (4-22-2057) AND
(4-22-2024) + 36 Years = see below, The Return of Jesus Christ [Age of Jesus: 2063] (10-22-2060) AND
See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD)
AND Month-Day/Day-Month 3-6/6-3 AND See above, Numerical Value of God’s
Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26 AND Day-Month/Month-Day 2-6/6-2
AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the Holy Spirit,
Pentecost Sunday (6-2-1963) AND See above, I was Conceived in Norco, California
(33° North Latitude) AND See above, My Birth Day {62nd Day of the Year} [4:14 PM
Pacific Time] (03-02-1964) AND City of Norco, California Incorporated (12-28-1964)
AND See above, Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs [Massacre in Bethlehem where
Jesus Christ was Born] (12-28-1964) AND [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the
“Home” Page of our Website] Month-Day 12-23 = Calendar Year -1963 and Calendar Year
229; Month-Day 3-5 = Calendar Year -64 and Calendar Year 666 {“666” = “The Anti-Christ”
Or “The False Prophet”}; [Since 1964 and 2060 were Leap Years, 2-29 + 5 Days = 3-5 {= 2-34}]
Calendar Year 234 and Calendar Year -1958 and Calendar Year 2060 = Month-Day 12-28 AND
12-28-2060 = 363 Days Gone in the Year AND My Conception Month-Year 6-1963 = Calendar
Year 663 = Month-Day 3-2 AND See above, 260th Pope Venerable Pius XII Birth Day (3-2-1876)
+ Exactly 63 Years Later = Elected Pope (3-2-1939) and Death Day (10-9-1958) [Pope during the
Second World War and the Jewish Holocaust brought on by the 2nd Anti-Christ, see above, Adolf
Hitler] AND 263rd Pope Blessed John Paul I Reigned as Pope for 33 Days in 1978 AND Day-Month/
Month-Day 26-3/3-26 AND See above, My Parent’s Divorce Day in Dallas, Texas (3-26-1976) AND
See above, 3rd Anti-Christ and 3rd President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov's Conception Day (1-5-
1976) and His Birth Day (10-5-1976) AND See above, My Death Day/Jewish Sukkot Ends on Holy
Friday {Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great Salvation"} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-2027)
{“Pi”, see above} plus 32 Years = see above, “Passover Sacrifice”/Ta'anit Bechorot [Jesus’ Age: 2063]
(4-14-2060) AND See above, Jesus Christ Enters Heaven (5-14-33 AD) + 2027 Years [“Pi”] = End of
Pesach Sheni or Second Passover {see above} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2063] (5-14-2060) AND
See above, 1st Day of Hanukkah ["Dedication"] and Jesus Christ's Birth Day
(12-25-5 BC) AND See above, Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Easter Sunday [Age:
36] (4-5-33 AD) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 3-6/6-3 AND See above, Numerical
Value of God’s Name in Hebrew = Tetragrammaton = 26 AND Day-Month/Month-
Day 2-6/6-2 AND See above, My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church thru the
Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday (6-2-1963) AND See above, I was Conceived in Norco,
California (33° North Latitude) AND See above, My Birth Day [62nd Day of the Year] (03-02-
1964) AND City of Norco, California Incorporated (12-28-1964) AND See above, Feast of the
Holy Innocents, Martyrs [Massacre in Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was Born] (12-28-1964)
AND [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website] Month-Day
12-23 = Calendar Year -1963 and Calendar Year 229; Month-Day 3-5 = Calendar Year -64 and
Calendar Year 666 {see above, “666” = “The Anti-Christ” or “The False Prophet”}; [Since 1964 and
2060 were Leap Years, 2-29 + 5 Days = 3-5 {= 2-34}] Calendar Year 234 and Calendar Year 2060 =
Month-Day 12-28 AND See above, 12-28-2060 = 363 Days Gone in the Year AND My Conception
Month-Year 6-1963 = Calendar Year 663 = Month-Day 3-2 AND My Birth Day (03-02-1964) = The
“Year of the Dragon” [Chinese New Year 4662] AND The “Year of the Dragon” {“Slaying the Dragon”
– Book of Revelation, see above} [Chinese New Year 4758] = 7:22 AM Israeli Time/1:22 PM Chinese
Time (02-02-2060) AND See above, Hoshana Rabbah {“The Great Salvation”} happens on [see above,
“The Creation” on Holy Saturday (10-22-4004 BC) + 6062 Years =] Holy Friday (10-15-2060 AD) + 7
Days = The Return of Jesus Christ on Holy Friday {Jesus’ Age: 2063} (10-22-2060 AD) [Exactly 6063
Years since “The Creation”] minus 33 Years = see above, My Death Day and Jewish Sukkot Ends on
Holy Friday {Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great Salvation"} in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2030] (10-22-
2027) {"Pi" – see above} plus 26 Years = see above, The Starting of the Tribulation (10-22-2053) + 7
Years = The Ending of the Tribulation (10-22-2060) [see above, rather than 2027 {“Pi”}] AND The Last
Day of Hanukkah {“Dedication”} and Jesus Christ’s Birth Day [Jesus’ Age: 2064] (12-25-2060 AD) AND
See above, Annunciation or Conception Day of Jesus Christ [Holy Saturday]
(3-25-5 BC) and 1st Day of Hanukkah {"Dedication"} and Jesus Christ's Birth
Day [Holy Monday] (12-25-5 BC) AND See above, Crucifixion of Jesus Christ,
Good Friday: 3 Days from Easter/2 Days to Easter {Holy Day} [Age: 36] (4-3-
33 AD) AND See above, Jesus Christ’s Resurrection: Easter Sunday {Holy Day}
[Age: 36] (4-5-33 AD) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 3-6/6-3 AND See above,
My Conception Day/Birth Day of the Church through the Holy Spirit, Pentecost
Sunday: 49 Days after Easter/50 Days from Easter [Holy Day] (6-2-1963) AND
See above, I was Conceived in Norco, California (33° North Latitude) AND See above,
I was Born in Riverside, California (33° North Latitude) AND See above, My Birth Day
{62nd Day of the Year} [Monday] (03-02-1964) AND [See “Calendar Years (2020-1998).
xxx” in the “Home” Page of our Website] My Conception Month-Year 6-1963 = Calendar
Year 663 = Month-Day 3-2 AND See above, Corpus Christi {Body of Christ} Sunday: 63
Days after Easter/64 Days from Easter, My Age: 63, My Conception Age: 64 [Jesus’ Age:
2030] (10-22-2027) {"Pi", see above} AND See above, My Death Day and Jewish Sukkot Ends
{Hoshana Rabbah/"The Great Salvation"} on Holy Friday in Jerusalem, Israel [Jesus’ Age: 2030]
(10-22-2027 AD) {"Pi"} minus 6030 Years = see above, “The Creation” [Holy Saturday] (10-22-
4004 BC) plus 6063 Years = see above, The Return of Jesus Christ on Holy Friday [Jesus’ Age:
2063] (10-22-2060 AD) AND Month-Day/Day-Month 6-10/10-6 = Calendar Year -333 {+ 366
Days =} Calendar Year 33 {+ 730 Days =} Calendar Year 763 [see above, 45th Academy Awards,
Best Picture, "The Godfather" in 1973] AND “The Creation” [Holy Saturday] (10-22-4004 BC) plus
6063 Years plus 1,000 Years [Revelation 20:02] = The Destruction of Satan and the Fulfillment of
World Peace [Holy Monday] {7063 Years} [Jesus’ Age: 3063] (10-22-3060 AD) {Leap Year} DONE
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